Day 9 is...
My Pet Peeves:

Talking during a movie.
Qualifying offensive statements with: “No offence, but….”
Chewing with your mouth open.
Reading over others’ shoulders.
Participating in chain emails.
Complaining about offensive TV shows/blogs/sites/books...etc…JUST TURN IT OFF! DON'T PARTICAPATE!
Owning a ‘handbag dog’ and pampering it.
Wearing backpacks on public transit.
Not holding a door open for others.
Hanging a toilet paper roll back to front.
Mowing the lawn at 7am.
Scraping cutlery together or on the plate when eating.
Dressing up pets thinking it’s cute...its not cute, it’s animal cruelty.
People that do not flush the toliet in public.
Having to talk to customer service people over the phone.
The noise of a plastic candy wrapper or crinkling a plastic water bottle.
The expression that "Nobody can hurt you unless you let them."
Wasting peoples time with a list of pet peeves.

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