Dear Baby Me,
I think of you often, I think of you everyday.
You're little
curls and tiny hands and all that you lost.
I'm sorry that you
were scared and no one came to save the day.
As a result i know
you hurt today.
I cry for you today because you couldn't then.
I'm here now to
love you and to be your friend.
I'm trying hard to love you and
hold you in our heart.
It isn't always easy, for the memories
that you hold.
I want to let you know I haven't given up.
I just need some time
to learn where you have been.
You are so very precious and didn't deserve
what you went through.
So we'll figure it out together, alittle
at a time.
It's ok for you to tell my secrets we've been through.
As scared
as I am we can do it, me and you.
Love, Big me

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