3 weeks clean from self harm today this early morning and all I can say is FML, that's right....I am so close to just throwing it all away. It is such a craving, I say craving rather than urge cause it is an addiction. Totally!! And if I don't make the first cut I don't have to worry about the cycle going on for days. I am hurting so much and cutting is my voice at times because "using your words" (safety queen) isn't always so easily done. So yeah FML (F**K MY LIFE)!!!!! I am filled with severe distress.

Sadly I am wishing that I could take my life. I hate feeling this way, scared really. Because staying in control is getting harder these days. I am confused much of the time and am writing this now while I am barely hanging on to control to stay present and not dissociate. It is getting cloudy and dark in my head and when the craving to cut is so near I am afraid to leave my own body of fear of what i will come back to. 

Part of me, 3 parts in mind, feel like if we just cut and get it over with then perhaps we can just breath and begin again. Sigh....
Sometimes it feels like prolonging the blade against our skin is only stopping what will happen for only a little while. I am so scared cause I am truly fearful that this is for life and that it will never stop. That some days are just easier then others. 

I just don't understand it though if I am able to be 11 months and 2 weeks clean from drugs and alcohol why can't I do this too?!?!?!?! 

Got to stay in control, gotta keep it together, at least til I get through Christmas for everyone. I don't want to hurt anyone but why is everyone else's happiness worth more then my own. And please don't udder the words this too shall pass. Cause yeah it will but in my past, history, and experience, it just comes back around over and over...it doesn't pass, it takes a break...

I just want to die. 
12/15/2011 07:50:50 am

Valynn and co I think you're all AMAZING!!!! 11 months and 2 weeks sober and clean and on top of that 3 weeks clean of SH - what INCREDIBLE achievements. I so admire you. It may not seem like it to you but you are so strong and you're right it will pass and yes, it will probably not be the last time you feel like this BUT each time WILL pass and every time you will come out stronger.
NOBODY'S happiness is worth more than yours - everybody has the right to be happy it's just some people's happiness is so much harder to achieve. Well done for actually being able to write how you're feeling but at the same time, not acting on it. I do not believe in God but in my way I pray that you will keep safe, taking small steps to add to the ENORMOUS strides you've already taken. Take care

12/16/2011 12:50:27 am

Thanks Gill for your kind words, it make me feel so good coming here this morning and finding your comment. I am continuing to put my best foot forward as much as I can. Still self harm free today so it's 3 weeks and 2 days. And it is not easy but my hope is that it will get less and less difficult if I keep trying and going forward. Thanks again =)


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