You stole a piece of me.
A piece lost forever.
A piece floating, lost someone in time.
A missing space left where that piece of me should of been.
Left feeling all alone in this world.
I am many, not by choice.
Alone and cold, a child with no friends.
Dark and scared, blind folded and unaware.
Not knowing it's wrong but knowing it's hell.
I found a way to make it, a way that left me lost.
No one to help me, to keep me safe, no one to hold me,
struggling to live just one more day.
The dream to start over, to get a chance again.
To dream of unicorns, candy, and a kiss from the prince.
Instead a wish whispered into the night.
For light, love, safety and one wish.
A wish for them to stop and a body that is mine.
Tears flow and then stop in fear.
Weak and shakey, broken and bruised.
Wishing she was never born and questioning why?!
What has she done wrong.
Her inner friends come to stay awhile.
Some older, some big and some very strong.
Some little, some scared, their here to share.
Unable to indure alone.
They came to her when she called.
No real friends only those inside.
And when one wants to talk the others go and hide.
I tried to push them all away,
They say I'm loved and mean it alot.
Wish I could feel it instead of the emptiness within.
Used and abused, left cold to rot.
They were my only comfort.
As a child I talked to them plenty.
Now grow not so much.
Most days I feel bad.
Not worthy to live.
Destroyed beyond repair.
A handful we've become.
I'm sorry are words I wish I couldn't say.
But I say them often and I say them everyday.
Where do we go from here?
Are we going to make it?
Always find the strength to make it one more day.
Today there are people.
People who say they care.
Soon these people will let go of her little hand.
Will she take her first steps on her own?
Only time, of which she rarely has will hold the unknown.

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