SAD. SCARED, TERROR, FEAR, LONELY are just a few things I feel this early 4:35am and still no sleep.  Cutting quite a bit =( Sorry to those who love and care about me...I truly am sorry but it's not about you, really, as hard as that may sound. I am feeling like giving up again, it's a scary  feeling when suicide becomes an option again. I am working hard on doing things so this doesn't happen. As someone with DID it can be concerning more so cause I'm afraid it would happen and I may not ever know...Call my support team and left messages on the advice of PDoc P, that girl rocks. Glad she is in my life. My hope is that we can come up with a plan to help me stay safe. Anyways, I am just rambling to I'll end there for now, off to see if I can maybe get a few hours of sleep in. Pray for me or send positive energies please....

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